image principale avec le camion vike jaune face avant

High payload,
low footprint.

Making the most sustainable and affordable commercial vehicles in the world
Find out more about uMotion
éco conçu, fabriqué en france

The Vike, simply useful

A van capacity at the cost of a cargo bike.
Tailor-made volume and range.
No charging time or infrastructure
Optimised service life

Les trois voitures van en rouge bleu et cyan de face et coté

Modular - for every professional

1 ton payload
Up to 13 m3 loadspace
On-demand range of between 80 and 350 km
Battery swapping for instant charge
Box, pickup, refrigerated

Sustainable - for the climate and air quality

0 Nox emissions
- 80% fine particles emissions from brakes & tires
- 50% energy consumption
Lifetime CO2 footprint divided by 3

Affordable - to decarbonize logistics

From €20,000 before tax
On demand battery modules to add, swap or replace
Low-maintenance, easy to repair and upgrade
Exclusive leasing, fleet management and optimisation services

Safe - for liveable cities

Driving and manoeuvring aids
Homologation and crash tests
Soft acceleration
Electronically limited top speed
For more information, contact us

A unique patented technology

drawing on 20 years' experience in the design of automotive powertrains, uMotion's unique technology combines lightness and energy efficiency to create the most sustainable and affordable van on the market.

Hybrid drive train to optimise fuel efficiency at all speeds.

A powerful electrically assisted crankset, optimised for low speeds in urban environments.

Two rear wheel motors, optimised to provide the power and torque needed for all loads, gradients and speeds.

An automated gearbox and seamless coordination for smooth propulsion.
Battery made up of manually removable modules to adapt the capacity - and cost - of the vehicle to its actual use.

Fewer batteries for the same performance, thanks to the low energy consumption of hybrid electric-muscular propulsion.

Between 2 and 10 battery modules per vehicle: to be added to increase range, exchanged to avoid static charging, replaced to extend service life.

Centralised management, monitoring and maintenance of battery modules, independent of the chassis fleet
Ergonomic cockpit incorporating a pedal unit with the comfort and safety of the automotive world.

Optimised riding position for sitting and pedalling.

Fingertip controls for steering, braking and acceleration.

anoramic vision, passenger-side load space, easy entry and exit for driver comfort and safety.


uMotion creates the moste sustainable and affordable commercial vehicles to decarbonise urban logistics.

High payload, Low footprint

Transporting more goods with a smaller footprint is the challenge of urban logistics and purpose of uMotion.


Capable as a diesel van, cheap as a cargo bike and cleaner than an e-van, uMotion has started from scratch to create the first environmentally-friendly van designed entirely for last-mile professionals.


Working with transport companies and their drivers, as well as local authorities and their residents, uMotion is creating  a commercial vehicle that is simply useful: sober, robust, light, modular, tailored to the needs of its customers, safe for drivers and residents, sustainable in its design and over time.

Radical and simple innovation

By radically innovating using mature technologies and adapting to the organisation of logistics providers, uMotion aims to rapidly make green mobility accessible to all professionals.

The founders

uMotion was founded in 2022 by Nicolas Goursot and Léon de Perthuis.

Léon de Perthuis


Avec 10 ans d’expérience dans le conseil en communication institutionnelle et en influence, Léon de Perthuis a longtemps accompagné des grands acteurs de la mobilité et de l’aménagement du territoire, tant du côté des entreprises privées que des institutions et pouvoirs publics.

Militant des mobilités douces, il est particulièrement conscient du caractère collectif des transformations à mener pour décarbonner le secteur des transports.

Nicolas Goursot


Avec 20 ans d’expérience dans l’automobile, Nicolas est un pionnier de la mobilité décarbonnée.

A partir du 4e rapport du GIEC, il milite au sein de PSA pour des motorisations plus sobres jusqu’à y fonder, en 2015, le département chaîne de traction électrique qu’il développera jusqu’à la sortie de la première gamme électrique de l’histoire du groupe.

Il fonde uMotion pour appliquer sa vision de la mobilité du futur à la logistique urbaine.

The Board members

En tant qu’ancienne directrice de la stratégie, des achats et du conseil du groupe La Poste, Catherine a une connaissance fine des grands acteurs de la logistique et de leurs attentes.

Catherine Le Floch

Ancien designer automobile, pluri-entrepreneur industriel, Alexandre est familier du développement de projets hardware innovants.

Alexandre Meyer

Vice-président du groupe Michelin en charge de l’ingénierie manufacturière, Jean-Philippe est une référence de l’industrialisation dans le domaine de la mobilité.

Jean-Philippe Ollier

Economiste, communicant et conseiller de dirigeants et personnalités politiques de premier plan, Robert maitrise parfaitement les mécanismes de la décision publique et politique.

Robert Zarader


Are you interested in the project? Would you like to take part?

For more information, contact us